Be clear, compelling, and inspiring
It's time to speak up
Compelling promo videos and testimonials
While communication is a two-way street, the ability to share who you are without interruption is critical when it comes down to having others understand more about you. Videos are a great way to help you achieve those results.
Be clear, compelling, and inspiring
It's time to speak up
Compelling promo videos and testimonials
While communication is a two-way street, the ability to share who you are without interruption is critical when it comes down to having others understand more about you. Videos are a great way to help you achieve those results.
Share your values, truths, vision, and your why
Communicate Clearly
“...we have to be clear on what we want them to know about us."
- Steve Jobs, American Entrepreneur
Communicating with video is now necessary for today's culture, and it must be purpose-driven, engaging, high-quality, and, most importantly, transparent.
Videos, audiobooks, and podcasts are today's resources for learning. Having others learn about you in a way they can understand is essential in your ability to control your narrative and eliminate misconceptions about who you are. It's about being empathetic.
As the American research professor, lecturer, author, and podcast host Brene Brown states, “Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind.”

Shape Your Own Narrative
After moving their school into a new neighborhood, Rickover Naval Academy (RNA) realized there was a huge disparity between what the community believed about their school versus what was actually true. They decided to rebrand their school to help show their relevance in today's media-saturated culture and share who they truly are versus what their previous image was portraying them to be.
Share your values, truths, vision, and your why
Communicate Clearly
“...we have to be clear on what we want them to know about us."
- Steve Jobs, American Entrepreneur
Communicating with video is now necessary for today's culture, and it must be purpose-driven, engaging, high-quality, and, most importantly, transparent.
Videos, audiobooks, and podcasts are today's resources for learning. Having others learn about you in a way they can understand is essential in your ability to control your narrative and eliminate misconceptions about who you are. It's about being empathetic.
As the American research professor, lecturer, author, and podcast host Brene Brown states, “Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind.”

Shape Your Own Narrative
After moving their school into a new neighborhood, Rickover Naval Academy (RNA) realized there was a huge disparity between what the community believed about their school versus what was actually true. They decided to rebrand their school to help show their relevance in today's media-saturated culture and share who they truly are versus what their previous image was portraying to them to be.
RNA faculty and staff sharing their belief to help change perception
Let them see the real you
Change Perceptions
“Let's give them something to talk about."
- Bonnie Raitt, American Blues Singer
Your students, faculty, staff, and school community have a voice and a personal why. Their individual and collective voices give them the opportunity and a platform to share their why and allow your audience to see an authentic side of your school, creating a sense of ownership and school pride.

Be Personal, Authentic, and Real
On academic probation for over eight years with an all-time low of a 54% graduation rate, Sullivan had classes half-full, and violence was on the rise. In 2013, Chad Adams was hired as Sullivan‘s new principal with a mission to resurrect the once thriving high school. Chad consistently shared his personal why and vision for the school while leading the re-branding efforts.
Sullivan students share their experiences to combat the negative perception held at neighboring elementary schools
Involve your team and your community
Unify your voice
“It takes a whole company to build a brand."
- Blake Deutsch
Understanding the difference between marketing and branding is essential to your school's success. While marketing is what you say about yourself, branding is what others say about you.
To build your brand, create opportunities for your community to discuss their experiences with you. They'll authentically share how you've impacted them and naturally elicit others to join your community.

Build Trust
After years of focusing and performing at +1 CPS school level, Jessica Johnson rebranded to make her school current, visible and vocal. By enlisting the local school community to speak on the school’s behalf, these videos help parents have a clear picture of the impact the Perez family has on their students.

Build Trust
After years of focusing and performing at +1 CPS school level, Jessica Johnson rebranded to make her school current, visible and vocal. Enlisting the local school community to speak on the school's behalf, these videos help parents have a clear picture of the impact the Perez family has on their students.
Perez teams up with their local school community to provide a clear, unified voice.
Effective leaders provide platforms for change
Give your school a voice
Benefits and outcomes when you have a compelling promotional video:
Confidence and self-esteem amongst your student, faculty, staff, and local school community rises knowing you see them as a priority
Bridge the gap of communication to those who are looking into your school
Provide the opportunity to dispel any misperceptions about your school
Provide clarity about who you are and who you are not
It provides a big picture of what the school is really about
Increase visibility across multiple marketing channels and streams by deploying it through your social media feeds
Duplicate yourself by having a digital version of your messaging that is consistent with who the school is
Enlightens your school community by helping them see all that is happening within the school
It equips you to promote and market your school in a way you are confident about the messaging
“The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller. The storyteller sets the vision, values, and agenda of an entire generation that is to come."
– Steve Jobs
Start changing the face of education